In our quest for happiness and the avoidance of suffering, we are all fundamentally the same, and therefore equal. Despite the characteristics that differentiate us – race, language, religion, gender, wealth and many others – we are all equal in terms of our basic humanity. In the Lakota Language it is called ‘Mitakuye Oyasin’, we are all connected. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. This separation is a kind of delusion of consciousness that needs to be overcome.
living in harmony
Messengers of Light
five principles
The Messengers of Light is an organization which is guided by five principles of ethical and moral decision making:
- Life balanced in harmony with nature and spirituality
- Treating every living being with respect
- Advocating non-violence
- Advancing humanity with positive actions
- Making a difference in peoples lives
ethics and morality
The Messengers of Light believes that ethics and morality are a matter of individual choice.
Our goal is to help to eliminate suffering in this world through compassion, kindness and universal love.
Featured programs
UnleasHed love
Finding a new home for Dogs.
Nature hikes/bikes
Bringing Inner City kids into Nature
ipetajy project
Helping abondoned Children of Brazil
What Drives Us
Our Mission
The Messengers of Light is dedicated to promoting the empowerment of people, protection of the environment, and helping to relieve the suffering of those in need while being guided by five principles of ethical and moral decision making.
Featured Photos

unleashed love

sitio ipetajy improvement

kids camp
Empowerment of Thoughts
Testimonial #1
Our thoughts can impact our behavior and life in both positive and negative ways. In a social emotional learning environment, young and old will learn the benefits of positive thinking and understand how our thoughts can impact our bodies, minds, and actions. They will then choose positive statements and images about themselves based on kindness and compassion.
Testimonial #2
In life, there are lots of bumps and things don’t always go the way we envisioned. Depending on the current state of mind we handle these challenges with elegance to find a resolution. Other times, it’s much harder to find a solution because anger, ill-will clouded our judgement and overwhelms our ability to think clearly. The Dhamma teaches to handle unexpected situations with ease, it’s because our thoughts are in solution mode. It reminds us that our thoughts create our happiness or unhappiness. This is how people overcome adversity and ultimately live a beautiful life.