Introducing the Ecosangha

Introducing the Ecosangha

Animal Rescue, Nature Hike / Bike Adventures

Bem Vindo – Willkommen – مرحبا –! – Bien Venue – Добро пожаловать! – Okaerinasai – Welcome –  ברוכים הבאים

Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by. Hang out for a while. Chat and discuss our world view.
On Earth Day some years ago, we decided to start broadcasting to the world episodes our life philosophy, sometimes things that concern and move us. And sometimes to provoke changes for the better.

This blog is called the “Ecosangha”, that is ‘Eco’ for Ecology. The word ‘Sangha’ comes from the ancient Pali language in India that was spoken around the time of the Buddha. Sangha means COMMUNITY. What is the connection, you may ask? 

It means community of like-minded people who are concerned about living in harmony, that is us humans and all other sentient beings on Earth. Our Sangha stresses the philosophy that can be found by Native Americans and expressed in the Lakota Language as ‘Mitakuye Oyasin’. That means we are all inter-connected.

It is expressed in Metta a universal Loving Kindnes for all beings. Hopefully, we can all our part and live in this spirit.

Talk to you soon.

Metta and Happiness for Everyone.